The coverage of the project management perimeter by ProjeQtOr is among the most complete on the market.
However, some specific needs were identified to go even beyond this range and complete ProjeQtOr features.
In this context, a plugin system has been developed. The available plugins are accessible in ProjeQtOr plug-ins shop.
Identified Plug-ins
- Customization of screens (add/hide fields) ⇒ available
- Tempate of print/exports of lists and details to standard formats (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .odt, .ots, .odp, .txt, .html) ⇒ available
- Import projects from MS-Project XML files ⇒ available
- Kanban boards ⇒ Integrated in community version since V8.3 (still available for older versions)
- Live meetings ("Scrum" like) module ⇒ Integrated in community version since V8.3 (still available for older versions)
- Automatic upgrade of ProjeQtOr ⇒ available
- Backup of database (planned backup, anonymized backup) ⇒ available
- Personalized translations to be able to change any caption ⇒ available
- Translation into french of every parameter table ⇒ available
- Translation into canadian french of every parameter table ⇒ available
- Traduction en portugais-brésilien des tables de paramétrage ⇒ available
- Traduction en italien des tables de paramétrage ⇒ available
- Traduction en espagnol des tables de paramétrage ⇒ available
- Mobile interface ⇒ available
- Inegration (webhooks and GitHub) ⇒ available
- Reports generator ⇒ conception in progress
Terms and conditions
Additional plugins are available to extend the features of ProjeQtOr on special needs.These conditions apply only to ProjeQtOr plugins deployed on own sites ( and
Buying a plugin allows the purchaser to install it on a single instance of production and an instance of test / validation (not operational one).
Plugins are not distributed in an open source mode. They are distributed in a proprietary mode. The company ProjeQtOr remains owner of plugins.
Any change to a plugin without the explicit agreement of ProjeQtOr company is prohibited.
The diffusion of a plugin is prohibited.