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Write an article, publish a document or a book.
Have your company referenced as using ProjeQtOr .
Send information about you (company name, contact, logo) through the Contact form to be added in ProjeQtOr users Reference List.
Use ProjeQtOr and submit any incident (bug, issue, ...) detected.
Use ProjeQtOr and submit any evolution wished to make ProjeQtOr the tool you need.
You may use the Forum dedicated topics to post issues or evolution requests.
In case of specific need, use contact form to post your request.
Participate in ProjeQtOr development : sources are shared at Sourceforge
(SVN repository is https://svn.code.sf.net/p/projectorria/code and visible at https://sourceforge.net/p/projectorria/code/HEAD/tree/)
Develop your own needs and improvements and submit them to ProjeQtOr development Team to include them in next releases.
Propose a translation to new language. You will find reference language translation file (Excel) on the download page.
It is an Excel file, just add a new language column and submit you proposition in the forum or to the address you'll find in the Contact form.