I have exported some projects using Project XML format and then I have tried to import in project libre.
The import does not end with success.
I have made debug analysis with project libre source code and I have found that the cause of error is XML Project tag that does not contains xml namespace declaration like this:
<Project xmlns="schemas.NotAllowedScript66df0d09d0f60microsoft.com/project">
I don't know if XSD of Project XML file require the namespace declaration or not.
What is sure :
- whatever is said, compatibility with MS-Project can never be 100% (woulkd it be only because of new versions of MS-Project)
- the <Project xmlns="schemas.NotAllowedScript66df0d09d0f60microsoft.com/project"> is exported by MS-Project when saving in XML format. So ProjectLibre also should have issue importing this format from MS-Project
Now, improving compatibility with ProjectLibre is an interesting point, because it is a good replacement for MS-Project.
Ticket #1340 is recorded to have a look at it.
ProjectLibre does not have an issue when import xml wrote by MS-Project.
The error happen when i try to open xml exprted by projector because xml wrote by projeqtor does not have xmlns declared into <peoject> tag
Unfortunately it is not enough.
I added the xmlns. The import worked well with MS-Project, but not with ProjectLibre.
What works fine is : open with MS-Project, same in xml format, open with ProjectLibre. But this requires MS-Project
If you have any other idea, I would be pleased to test it.
One possible problem is related to start date of task and project.
The current version of project-libre return an error if there some start date are setted to null value.
I don't know which is behavior of ms-project, but project-libre throw null pointe exception.
On my version I have made a little modification on project-libre import api in order to set start date to now when the start date is null, but it can be a correct choose for all project.
In general I think that a plan must have an absolute start date that import procedure can use when a start date is not setted.
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