I 've just updated my projeqtor website from 9.0.5 to the 9.1.1 version. After that i was going back to the site with my manager account (not the administrator one). When trying to look at the new features coming whith the 9.1.0 version, I clicked on the head list of the "activities" tool, trying to move columns and so on. The all my activities disapeared from the list of activities. They are still there but not visible in the activity page. I Can see then when choosing "Global view" tool or if i go to the site with my administrator account. It's just on my account that the liste is empty.
As i'm trying to repair it, i saw that the selected collumns (order, size an position) have been also changed and the id column is not there and not selectable too.
Ok I think i have found the problem.
I discovered that in the table "columnSelector" In the database, for my "idUser" and "objectClass"= "Activity" the value of the id" field was "0" Value. All other account have "1" instead of "0". When changing the value directly in the database, the liste appear again in the web interface of the "applications" tool.
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