Hello, same here for me. Here are the logs...
I will dive in the config file.
2023-04-28 16:07:46.715 ***** ERROR ***** [V10.3.3] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'latin1_swedish_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4'
2023-04-28 16:07:46.715 ***** ERROR ***** [V10.3.3] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci as id,color,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal , null as paused
FROM planningelement
WHERE ((planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) ))
SELECT coalesce(cast( (pex.id+1000000000) AS CHAR) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci,concat('Action','_',action.id)) as id, null as color, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci as refType, action.id as refId, action.name as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
'N/A' as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, 'N/A' as idBill,
'N/A' as initialStartDate, 'N/A' as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
'N/A' as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, 'N/A' as latestStartDate, 'N/A' as latestEndDate,
'N/A' as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, 'N/A' as plannedDuration, 'N/A' as realDuration,
'N/A' as initialWork, 'N/A' as validatedWork, 'N/A' as assignedWork, 'N/A' as plannedWork, 'N/A' as leftWork, 'N/A' as realWork,
'N/A' as validatedCost, 'N/A' as assignedCost, 'N/A' as plannedCost, 'N/A' as leftCost, 'N/A' as realCost,
'N/A' as progress, 'N/A' as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#',action.id)) as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#',action.id)) as wbsSortable, 'N/A' as isOnCriticalPath, 'N/A' as notPlannedWork, 'N/A' as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal, 'N/A' as paused
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and pex.refId=action.id WHERE ((action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource=4) ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser=4) )) and action.idProject not in (82)) as planningelement
WHERE planningelement.idle=0 and (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 96) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 4)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
LIMIT 2001
2023-04-28 16:07:46.715 ***** ERROR ***** [V10.3.3] Strack trace :
2023-04-28 16:07:46.715 ***** ERROR ***** [V10.3.3] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/projeqtor/tool/jsonPlanning.php:291]