The same problem on desktop apple on safari. I can only use projeqtor on chrome.
Not easy to have a log file, i am abroad this week, as soon as i come back i will share it.
The issue is the same: blank page, no errors, no messages.
On iPad I tried to force the desktop/mobile site and the login appears. But logged in the page is again white. It seems it is in the background because if i reload the page it asks me to confirm as there is a session active.
nothing to do. on iPad and on safari in the desktop the application does not work at all. after the login there is a blank page without information.
I tried to have a log and it seems there is an error on line 9430 on projector.js (ReferenceError: Can't find variable: undoRedoItemButton)
on iPad the report is the following: TypeError: top.dijit.byId is not a function. (In 'top.dijit.byId('menuUserColorBrightness')', 'top.dijit.byId' is undefined)
[Error] TypeError: top.dijit.byId is not a function. (In 'top.dijit.byId('menuUserColorBrightness')', 'top.dijit.byId' is undefined) — dynamicCss.js:27
(funzione anonima) (dojo.js:2:21140)
(funzione anonima) (dojo.js:2:4039)
_b (dojo.js:2:532)
(funzione anonima) (dojo.js:2:3997)
_516 (dojo.js:2:140191)
_515 (dojo.js:2:139982)
_34f (dojo.js:2:90938)
_351 (dojo.js:2:91220)
is there anything I can share with you?
Cpt_Jabberwockis better than me to report the log files
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