User CJK, with the Login Profile of Project Member and Project Profile of Project Leader, is experiencing an issue while editing the main project "XYZ." When attempting to edit project "XYZ," the system automatically shows Project "ABCC" against the "Is sub-project of" field under the "Description" tab on the detail page. As a result, any project edited by CJK as a Project Leader is being converted into a sub-project. Consequently, Project "XYZ" is now incorrectly listed as a sub-project under Project "ABCC."Please find attached the screen recording
Last edit: 28 Oct 2024 07:25 by chandrashekhar. Reason: Highlighted scenario
It is because on your instance is-sub-project is a required field.
Either you set it required through Screen Customization, of user has no right to create projets at root, only under his own projects.
Could you please assist me with the navigation path to configure as you suggested? I tried to find it in the global parameter and administration pages and looked through the user guide, but I wasn't successful.
the field has been made mandatory by a plugin. The screen customization.
You need to go to this plugin --> Menu --> ScreenCustomization, look for the corresponding field on the project element and deselect the box "required"
ps: This user's profile is his default profile. It can change on each project or subproject. Make sure his profile is on the project itself.
My issue specifically concerns editing an existing project with the "Project Leader" profile, as I detailed in my initial post on this subject. Could you please assist me in resolving this? Additionally, I'd like to inform you that I am not using any plugins.
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