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[SOLVED] Request for Assistance with Hacking Log Issue

11 Oct 2024 08:12 #1 by chandrashekhar
Hi there,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to bring to your attention an issue we're encountering in ProjeQtOr v11.3.1.

One of our project members, I have checked that he/she has reader access ("data (not project dependent)" under the "configuration management" section in the left menu panel), is seeing the Version Planning section as visible. However, when the member simply clicks on it, a hacking log is being generated, and a notification email is sent.

I believe this shouldn't be treated as a hacking attempt, and I kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue. Could you please help us understand how to stop these unnecessary alerts from being generated?

For your reference, please review the below log records.
2024-10-11 11:05:17.107 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'ABCXYZ'
2024-10-11 11:06:27.136 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1] HACK ================================================================
2024-10-11 11:06:27.136 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1] Try to hack detected
2024-10-11 11:06:27.137 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  Source Code = checkValidAccessForUser() Reject for ProductVersion - no access to screen 'ProductVersion'
2024-10-11 11:06:27.137 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  QUERY_STRING = objectClass=ProductVersion&objectType=&objectClient=&budgetParent=&objectElementable=&comboDetail=true
2024-10-11 11:06:27.137 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  REMOTE_ADDR =
2024-10-11 11:06:27.137 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  SCRIPT_FILENAME = C:/Apache24/htdocs/projeqtor/tool/jsonQuery.php
2024-10-11 11:06:27.137 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  CONNECTED USER = #90 - ABCXYZ
2024-10-11 11:06:27.138 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  === Trace Stack for last error ===
2024-10-11 11:06:27.138 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  => C:\Apache24\htdocs\projeqtor\tool\projeqtor.php at line 1698 calling debugPrintTraceStack()
2024-10-11 11:06:27.138 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  => C:\Apache24\htdocs\projeqtor\model\Security.php at line 374 calling traceHack()
2024-10-11 11:06:27.138 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  => C:\Apache24\htdocs\projeqtor\tool\jsonQuery.php at line 45 calling Security:checkValidAccessForUser()
2024-10-11 11:06:27.138 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  ===
2024-10-11 11:06:27.138 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1]  REQUEST_URI = /projeqtor/tool/jsonQuery.php?objectClass=ProductVersion&objectType=&objectClient=&budgetParent=&objectElementable=&comboDetail=true
2024-10-11 11:06:27.182 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.3.1] Error sending mail

Thank you so much for your support and looking into this matter.

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14 Oct 2024 16:56 #2 by maxca
The forum cannot respond to versions lower than the latest stable version  V11.3.2 .
You can subscribe to support to help you with previous versions.

Have a nice day,


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