As soon as a user tries to change the validated due date in a milestone and hit SAVE, the projeqtor logo never stops spinning and after about 20 seconds i'm gettings disconnected (lost connection).
and i have this in the logs
Can you have a look please.
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] Try to hack detected
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] Source Code = Invalid dateTime format for 'Fri Feb 09 2024 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (heure normale de l’Est nord-américain)' : only 5 to 19 characters length possible
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] QUERY_STRING = csrfToken=&destinationWidth=50&destinationHeight=0&isIE=&xhrPostDestination=resultDivMain&xhrPostIsResultMessage=true&xhrPostValidationType=&xhrPostTimestamp=1730032424405&csrfToken=
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] REMOTE_ADDR =
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] SCRIPT_FILENAME = /var/www/html/tool/saveObject.php
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] CONNECTED USER = #27 - karl.binet
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] === Trace Stack for last error ===
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/tool/projeqtor.php at line 1698 calling debugPrintTraceStack()
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/model/Security.php at line 106 calling traceHack()
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/model/persistence/SqlElement.php at line 3495 calling Security:checkValidDateTime()
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/model/persistence/SqlElement.php at line 3426 calling SqlElement:fillSqlElementFromRequest()
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/model/persistence/SqlElement.php at line 3000 calling SqlElement:fillSqlElementFromRequest()
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/tool/saveObject.php at line 70 calling SqlElement:fillFromRequest()
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] ===
2024-10-27 08:33:44.595 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] REQUEST_URI = /tool/saveObject.php?csrfToken=&destinationWidth=50&destinationHeight=0&isIE=&xhrPostDestination=resultDivMain&xhrPostIsResultMessage=true&xhrPostValidationType=&xhrPostTimestamp=1730032424405&csrfToken=
2024-10-27 08:33:44.820 ===== TRACE ===== API : mode=GET user=svc_reader, id=525, profile=17
2024-10-27 08:34:29.933 ===== TRACE ===== API : mode=GET user=svc_reader, id=525, profile=17
2024-10-27 08:35:11.904 ===== TRACE ===== [27] NEW CONNECTED USER 'karl.binet'
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] HACK ================================================================
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] Try to hack detected
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] Source Code = Invalid dateTime format for 'Fri Feb 09 2024 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (heure normale de l’Est nord-américain)' : only 5 to 19 characters length possible
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] QUERY_STRING = csrfToken=&destinationWidth=50&destinationHeight=0&isIE=&xhrPostDestination=resultDivMain&xhrPostIsResultMessage=true&xhrPostValidationType=&xhrPostTimestamp=1730032545536&csrfToken=
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] REMOTE_ADDR =
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] SCRIPT_FILENAME = /var/www/html/tool/saveObject.php
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] CONNECTED USER = #27 - karl.binet
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] === Trace Stack for last error ===
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/tool/projeqtor.php at line 1698 calling debugPrintTraceStack()
2024-10-27 08:35:45.728 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/model/Security.php at line 106 calling traceHack()
2024-10-27 08:35:45.729 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/model/persistence/SqlElement.php at line 3495 calling Security:checkValidDateTime()
2024-10-27 08:35:45.729 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/model/persistence/SqlElement.php at line 3426 calling SqlElement:fillSqlElementFromRequest()
2024-10-27 08:35:45.729 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/model/persistence/SqlElement.php at line 3000 calling SqlElement:fillSqlElementFromRequest()
2024-10-27 08:35:45.729 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] => /var/www/html/tool/saveObject.php at line 70 calling SqlElement:fillFromRequest()
2024-10-27 08:35:45.729 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] ===
2024-10-27 08:35:45.729 ***** ERROR ***** [V11.4.1] [27] REQUEST_URI = /tool/saveObject.php?csrfToken=&destinationWidth=50&destinationHeight=0&isIE=&xhrPostDestination=resultDivMain&xhrPostIsResultMessage=true&xhrPostValidationType=&xhrPostTimestamp=1730032545536&csrfToken=
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