Everytime I register a provider invoice in ProjeQtOr it follows a sequential id. However, I recently noticed two missing ids even though I have all projects selected and the closed bills button also selected (please see attached screnshot. The missing ids are #725 and #729). I appreciate any advice you could give here.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your reply!
I checked the closed button first and then the archive mode to see if there were any hidden items but I couldn't find the missing ids.
Many thanks for your reply!
I tested the report with the missing provider invoice id and got the following information "No data to display on this report".
I know that I haven't missed or cancelled any provider invoice. I just wonder why ProjeQtOr assigned an id that was not in a sequential order (it moved from 728 to 730, with no entry for id 729).
Thank you so much for your support!
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