I run the report "List of works for an activity" for half hours activity (0.5h) that I put in "Dispatch work"
The report display 0.0625 h instead of 0.5 h
Seems that global settings "unit for workload" is not considered
Good morning Projeqtor team,
We have just updated Projeqtor, and I noticed the new feature that allows adding specific comments on the hours entered in the Timesheet. This is extremely useful for us: thank you. I also saw the report "List of works for an activity", which shows these details. However, I have a problem: our work unit is set to hours, but the report seems to be based on days. I’m attaching a couple of screenshots to illustrate the issue. Thank you again for your work and support.
davide.miccone@gmail.com post=38337 wrote: I run the report "List of works for an activity" for half hours activity (0.5h) that I put in "Dispatch work"
The report display 0.0625 h instead of 0.5 h
Seems that global settings "unit for workload" is not considered
Unit issue on report "List of work for an activity" is already identified on V12.0.0 and fixed.
Fix will be deployed on V12.0.1
Fix is already available through subscirption service.
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