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ProjeQtOr free project management software - scroll bar in planning disapear in IE8 - ProjeQtOr

scroll bar in planning disapear in IE8

28 Feb 2012 15:55 #1 by alexallard
Hi, I'm actualy testing different Open source software for project management and portfolio. Your software is very great and will probably be our choice but i have some bugs...

The first one is : the scroll bar in planning disapear when the first sub-project in the list are reduced but the other one are "expand". So you have to "open" the first one for scrolling down to the other sub-project

I'll post later for the other bug

Thank you very much :)

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28 Feb 2012 16:59 #2 by babynus

Sorry, I don't understant you case : if the scroll bar disepears, you should have collapsed item so that it is not needed any more, isn't it ?

Could you provide print screen to explain you case ?

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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28 Feb 2012 17:03 #3 by alexallard
How can i add image? i have 2 print screen

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28 Feb 2012 17:10 #4 by babynus
Method 1 : store image on the web, and include /[IMG/] tag referencing url of image
Method 2 : send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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28 Feb 2012 18:24 #5 by babynus
Issu econfirmed.
Registered as Ticket #592

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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28 Feb 2012 18:56 #6 by babynus
Issue fixed.
Will be deployed in V2.1.

To fix it, you've got 3 ways :
1) remove the milestone in first group of tasks
2) set a due date to the milestone
3) fix the code (as it will be deployed) : in /view/js/jsgantt.js
add lines
} else {
        	  vRightTable += '</div>' ;  
afeter line 716.
It should look like this :
if( g.getCaptionType() ) {
              vCaptionStr = '';
              switch( g.getCaptionType() ) {           
                case 'Caption':    vCaptionStr = vTaskList[i].getCaption();  break;
                case 'Resource':   vCaptionStr = vTaskList[i].getResource();  break;
                case 'Duration':   vCaptionStr = vTaskList[i].getDuration(vFormat);  break;
                case 'Complete':   vCaptionStr = vTaskList[i].getCompStr();  break;
              vRightTable += '<div position:absolute; top:2px; width:120px; left:12px">' + vCaptionStr + '</div>';
          } else {
        	  vRightTable += '</div>' ;  
          vRightTable += '</div>';
        } else {

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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