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Resource dailycost in assignment

09 Mar 2012 15:59 #1 by chris35

I've changed the daily cost of a resource in resource screen.
But, in the assignement screen of activity (in detail activity part of screen, I click on the pen to modify an assignement), the daily cost value is still the old one.
I've seen in assignment table in database that there are 2 fields: "dailyCost" and "newDailyCost". It seems that it's the "dailyCost" value which is displayed in the screen but not the "newDailyCost". But the calculation of activities cost are done with the right value ("newDailyCost").

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09 Mar 2012 17:08 #2 by babynus
Yes, it is designed this way.
The assigned cost is an initial cost, calculated when assignement is done, from cost existing at this time.
If cost is updated, then left activity is calculated with new cost value.
Both values are more or less false, but they are as good as possible while keeping things simple.
What is important is that real cost is always right, calculated from cost depending on date validity of cost.

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09 Mar 2012 17:25 #3 by chris35
it's a little disturbing that the cost listed does not match the cost used in calculating... :)

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