When I try to get the pdf of a GANTT planning with the pdf button, I get the following error:
Le site Web a rencontré une erreur lors de l'extraction de http://localhost/projectorriav16/view/print.php?reportFile=..%2Ftool%2FjsonPlanning.php%3Fprint%3Dtrue&reportId=7&idProject=12&startDate=2011-06-30&endDate=&format=day&page=..%2Ftool%2FjsonPlanning.php%3Fprint%3Dtrue&print=true&report=true&outMode=pdf&reportName=planning+gantt. Cela peut être dû à une opération de maintenance ou à une configuration incorrecte.
Voici quelques suggestions :
Actualisez cette page Web ultérieurement.
Erreur HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) : Une situation inattendue s'est produite tandis que le serveur tentait de traiter la demande.
Error identified in the apache error.log file
[Thu Jun 30 15:54:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in C:\\Yann\\Soft\\UniServer\\www\\projectorriaV16\\external\\html2pdf\\parsingHTML.class.php on line 281, referer: http://localhost/projectorriav16/view/main.php
I get this problem trying the pdf button from GANTT planning view or from GANTT report view or Resource planning report. I tried to use the pdf button from an other planning or reports view it works !!
In fact PDF Export is much memory consuming, and your issue is realy about memory limit.
Try and change $paramMemoryLimitForPDF in /file/parameters.php (for instance try $paramMemoryLimitForPDF=1024)
Run again and if it fails chech the error message : has the "Allowed memory size" value changed ? Is it coherent wiht the parametered value ?
Also try and change memory limit in PHP.ini memory_limit and set it to 1024M.
Also check your server provides enough memory to allows these values.
I tried to set both parameters to 1024M but no change...
I get the following error in apache:
[Fri Aug 12 15:03:14 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng() in /var/www/projectorria/external/html2pdf/_tcpdf_5.0.002/tcpdf.php on line 5834, referer: http://steriatools/projectorria/view/main.php
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