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Can't send mail

21 Feb 2015 14:29 #1 by aloron
Can't send mail was created by aloron

I have a problems for sending mail.
I need to configure a smtp login and password. Where it is ?

Here is the error log :
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Error sending mail
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** SMTP Server :
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** SMTP Port : 143
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Mail stored in Database : #3
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** PHPMail error : The following From address failed: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. : MAIL FROM command failed,MAI, BAD Invalid command

2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** PHPMail debug :
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** ERROR *****
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** on file '/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/Sql.php' at line (93)
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** cause = PDO::query(): send of 34 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** ERROR *****
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** on file '/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/Sql.php' at line (93)
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** cause = Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=24759
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Exception-[HY000] SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** For query : select * from mail where id=3
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Strack trace :
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #0 Sql->query called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:1743]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #1 SqlElement->getSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:377]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #2 SqlElement->__construct called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/Mail.php:76]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #3 Mail->__construct called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:2685]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #4 SqlElement->control called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:461]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #5 SqlElement->saveSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:398]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #6 SqlElement->save called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/Mail.php:129]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #7 Mail->save called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/projeqtor.php:869]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #8 sendMail_phpmailer called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/projeqtor.php:727]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #9 sendMail called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/sendMail.php:49]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Exception-[HY000] SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** For query : select * from mail where id=3
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Strack trace :
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #0 Sql->query called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:1743]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #1 SqlElement->getSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:377]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #2 SqlElement->__construct called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/Mail.php:76]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #3 Mail->__construct called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:477]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #4 SqlElement->saveSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:398]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #5 SqlElement->save called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/Mail.php:129]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #6 Mail->save called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/projeqtor.php:869]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #7 sendMail_phpmailer called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/projeqtor.php:727]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #8 sendMail called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/sendMail.php:49]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Exception-[HY000] SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** For query : select * from mail where id=3
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Strack trace :
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #0 Sql->query called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:1743]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #1 SqlElement->getSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:377]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #2 SqlElement->__construct called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/Mail.php:76]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #3 Mail->__construct called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:752]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #4 SqlElement->updateSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:503]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #5 SqlElement->saveSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:398]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #6 SqlElement->save called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/Mail.php:129]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #7 Mail->save called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/projeqtor.php:869]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #8 sendMail_phpmailer called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/projeqtor.php:727]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #9 sendMail called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/sendMail.php:49]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Exception-[HY000] SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** For query : update mail set id='3' , mailDateTime='2015-02-21 14:20' , mailTo='This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.' , mailStatus='ERROR' , idle='0' , mailTitle='[My Own ProjeQtOr] message from admin : Your account information' , mailBody='You are welcome to My Own ProjeQtOr at <a href=\"\">
Your login is aloron.
Your password is initialized to password
You will have to change it on first connection.

In case of an issue contact your administrator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..' where id=3
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** Strack trace :
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #0 Sql->query called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:831]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #1 SqlElement->updateSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:503]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #2 SqlElement->saveSqlElement called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:398]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #3 SqlElement->save called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/model/Mail.php:129]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #4 Mail->save called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/projeqtor.php:869]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #5 sendMail_phpmailer called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/projeqtor.php:727]
2015-02-21 14:21:07 ***** ERROR ***** #6 sendMail called at [/home/aloron/public_html/projeqtor/tool/sendMail.php:49]
2015-02-21 14:25:04 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'admin'

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21 Feb 2015 14:43 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Can't send mail

login and password can be configured just below smtp host.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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21 Feb 2015 20:22 #3 by aloron
Replied by aloron on topic Can't send mail
Thanks for your answer ...

But where can i find the smtp host ?
You mean in the configuration page of the first run ? There is nothing for this.

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21 Feb 2015 21:59 #4 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Can't send mail
In Parameters > Global Parameters

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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22 Feb 2015 20:22 #5 by aloron
Replied by aloron on topic Can't send mail
I don't have it (see the picture attached) !

I had a lot of problem to the installation. I had to manually run all sql requests from the 'projeqtor_V2.4.0.sql' until the end.
That may be why.

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22 Feb 2015 23:07 #6 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Can't send mail
Because access must have been removed.
It seems you have access to habilitations : open the menu tree, go to "access to forms" and check "Global parameters" (on Parameters section) for your profile.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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