First, my congratulations for this nice and easy to use tool ! I have tested many Project management tools and i have a clear preference for Or'RIA.
But, now that I've created my projects, I would like to print my schedule with acrobat. But all the documents are printed in portrait mode and, of course, truncated on the right ?
It's a known issue with no solution today.
The only work around is to change the scale (for instance from day to week) to hae the planning fit the page... or print in html.
Unfortunately, in this case (I work under Firefox 6.0, but i tried under IE and Chrome) my planning is printed without color rules which indicates delay of projects or tasks on the right section ?
Is there a way or tip to show planning with colors ? (one precision : icons are correctly printed : flags, squares,etc). I tried a lot of things : set up my browser, my printer : in vain.
Sorry for these questions but print the planning as it is displayed would be very useful.
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