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Global project planning

04 Dec 2018 14:36 #7 by LG_Teleflow
Replied by LG_Teleflow on topic Global project planning
Here is the complete log after update to V3.1, the problem remains the same:

2018-12-04 07:47:50.631 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'thomas.jacquemin' (using remember me feature)
2018-12-04 07:52:51.272 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'thomas.jacquemin'
2018-12-04 07:53:15.011 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'thomas.jacquemin' (using remember me feature)
2018-12-04 07:57:04.020 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42S22] SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'idStatus' in 'field list'
2018-12-04 07:57:04.020 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : select * from status where id in (select distinct idStatus from resource) order by sortOrder asc
2018-12-04 07:57:04.020 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 07:57:04.020 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:2371]
2018-12-04 07:57:04.020 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 SqlElement->getSqlElementsFromCriteria called at [/var/www/html/model/persistence/SqlElement.php:6703]
2018-12-04 07:57:04.020 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #2 SqlElement->getExistingStatus called at [/var/www/html/view/objectList.php:169]
2018-12-04 07:57:04.020 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #3 include called at [/var/www/html/view/objectMain.php:63]
2018-12-04 08:22:08.275 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'claire.mahe'
2018-12-04 09:31:17.867 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'regis.sebastian' (using remember me feature)
2018-12-04 09:40:21.254 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'regis.sebastian'
2018-12-04 09:40:26.785 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'regis.sebastian' (using remember me feature)
2018-12-04 09:40:35.584 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'regis.sebastian'
2018-12-04 09:40:50.647 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'regis.sebastian'
2018-12-04 09:52:13.288 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'vincent.onillon'
2018-12-04 09:56:09.384 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'laurent.gamet'
2018-12-04 09:56:26.740 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 09:56:26.740 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 09:56:26.740 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 09:56:26.740 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 09:56:26.740 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 10:40:12.398 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'laurent.gamet'
2018-12-04 10:40:30.827 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 10:40:30.827 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 10:40:30.827 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 10:40:30.827 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 10:40:30.827 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 10:40:32.492 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 10:40:32.492 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 10:40:32.492 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 10:40:32.492 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 10:40:32.492 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 10:40:32.492 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 10:43:35.317 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Error sending mail
2018-12-04 10:43:35.318 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] SMTP Server :
2018-12-04 10:43:35.318 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] SMTP Port : 25
2018-12-04 10:43:35.318 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Mail stored in Database : #12341
2018-12-04 10:43:35.318 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] PHPMail error : SMTP connect() failed.
2018-12-04 10:43:35.318 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] PHPMail debug :
2018-12-04 11:15:42.446 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:15:42.446 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:15:42.446 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:15:42.446 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:15:42.446 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 11:15:42.446 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 11:15:43.376 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:15:43.376 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:15:43.377 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:15:43.377 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:15:43.377 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 11:15:43.377 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 11:15:49.077 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:15:49.077 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:15:49.077 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:15:49.077 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:15:56.590 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:15:56.590 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:15:56.591 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:15:56.591 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:15:56.591 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 11:15:59.280 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:15:59.280 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:15:59.280 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:15:59.280 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:15:59.280 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 11:15:59.280 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 11:16:02.471 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:16:02.471 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:16:02.471 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:16:02.471 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:16:02.471 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 11:16:02.471 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 11:16:22.789 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:16:22.789 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:16:22.789 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:16:22.789 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:16:25.033 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:16:25.033 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:16:25.033 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:16:25.033 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:16:25.672 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:16:25.673 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:16:25.673 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:16:25.673 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:16:29.708 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:16:29.708 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:16:29.708 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:16:29.708 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:22:38.092 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:22:38.092 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:22:38.092 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:22:38.092 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:22:38.092 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 11:22:38.092 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 11:27:44.259 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 11:27:44.260 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 14) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 11:27:44.260 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 11:27:44.260 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 11:27:44.260 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 11:27:44.260 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.0] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 14:17:23.008 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'thomas.jacquemin'
2018-12-04 14:22:40.595 ===== TRACE ===== Cron normally stopped at 04/12/2018 14:22:40
2018-12-04 14:22:44.745 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'laurent.gamet'
2018-12-04 14:23:12.524 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'regis.sebastian'
2018-12-04 14:26:36.711 ===== TRACE =====
2018-12-04 14:26:36.711 ===== TRACE ===== =====================================
2018-12-04 14:26:36.711 ===== TRACE =====
2018-12-04 14:26:36.712 ===== TRACE ===== DataBase actual Version = V7.3.0
2018-12-04 14:26:36.712 ===== TRACE ===== ProjeQtOr actual Version = V7.3.1
2018-12-04 14:26:36.712 ===== TRACE =====
2018-12-04 14:26:37.249 ===== TRACE ===== =====================================
2018-12-04 14:26:37.249 ===== TRACE =====
2018-12-04 14:26:37.249 ===== TRACE ===== DATABASE UPDATE COMPLETED TO VERSION V7.3.1
2018-12-04 14:26:37.249 ===== TRACE =====
2018-12-04 14:26:37.249 ===== TRACE ===== =====================================
2018-12-04 14:26:37.249 ===== TRACE =====
2018-12-04 14:26:42.005 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'admin'
2018-12-04 14:26:46.326 ===== TRACE ===== Cron started at 04/12/2018 14:26:46
2018-12-04 14:26:58.025 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:26:58.025 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='1') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='1') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='1') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='1') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='1') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='1') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='1') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='1') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='1') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='1') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='1') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='1') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='1') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='1') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='1') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='1') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:26:58.025 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:26:58.025 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:26:58.025 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 14:26:58.025 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 14:27:06.327 ===== TRACE ===== Cron normally stopped at 04/12/2018 14:27:06
2018-12-04 14:27:10.326 ===== TRACE ===== Cron started at 04/12/2018 14:27:10
2018-12-04 14:27:42.402 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'admin'
2018-12-04 14:27:49.195 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'laurent.gamet'
2018-12-04 14:28:40.035 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:40.035 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:40.035 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:40.035 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:40.035 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 14:28:40.035 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 14:28:46.556 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:46.556 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:46.556 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:46.556 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:46.556 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 14:28:46.556 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]
2018-12-04 14:28:49.073 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:49.073 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:49.073 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:49.073 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:49.888 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:49.888 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:49.888 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:49.888 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:50.356 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:50.356 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:50.356 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:50.356 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:50.838 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:50.838 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:50.838 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:50.838 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:51.543 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:51.543 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:51.543 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:51.543 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:52.142 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:52.142 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:52.142 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:52.142 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:52.587 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:52.587 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:52.587 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:52.587 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:52.922 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:52.922 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:52.922 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:52.922 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:28:56.545 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:28:56.545 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 103, 62, 29) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:28:56.545 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:28:56.545 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:29:01.217 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'laurent.gamet'
2018-12-04 14:31:31.819 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'laurent.gamet'
2018-12-04 14:31:43.981 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Exception-[42000] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
2018-12-04 14:31:43.981 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] For query : SELECT planningelement.*
( SELECT cast(id as CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as id,idProject,cast(refType AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType,refId,refName,topId,topRefType,topRefId,
progress,expectedProgress,wbs,wbsSortable,isOnCriticalPath,notPlannedWork, needReplan,
null as idType, null as idStatus, null as idResource, 0 as isGlobal
FROM planningelement
WHERE (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=4) ) and (planningelement.idProject not in (0) or planningelement.idProject is null or (1=3) )
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Action','_', as id, action.idProject as idProject, cast('Action' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, action.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, action.idle as idle, action.done as done, action.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, action.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, action.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, action.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, action.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, action.idActionType as idType, action.idStatus as idStatus, action.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM action LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=action.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Action' and WHERE (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idResource='4') ) and (action.idProject not in (0) or action.idProject is null or (action.idUser='4') ) and action.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Decision','_', as id, decision.idProject as idProject, cast('Decision' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, decision.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, decision.idle as idle, decision.done as done, decision.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, decision.decisionDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, decision.decisionDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, decision.decisionDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, decision.idDecisionType as idType, decision.idStatus as idStatus, decision.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM decision LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=decision.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Decision' and WHERE (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idResource='4') ) and (decision.idProject not in (0) or decision.idProject is null or (decision.idUser='4') ) and decision.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Delivery','_', as id, delivery.idProject as idProject, cast('Delivery' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, delivery.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, delivery.idle as idle, delivery.done as done, delivery.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, delivery.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, delivery.initialDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, delivery.plannedDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, delivery.realDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, delivery.idDeliveryType as idType, delivery.idStatus as idStatus, delivery.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM delivery LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=delivery.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Delivery' and WHERE (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idResource='4') ) and (delivery.idProject not in (0) or delivery.idProject is null or (delivery.idUser='4') ) and delivery.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Opportunity','_', as id, opportunity.idProject as idProject, cast('Opportunity' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, opportunity.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, opportunity.idle as idle, opportunity.done as done, opportunity.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, opportunity.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, opportunity.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, opportunity.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, opportunity.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, opportunity.idOpportunityType as idType, opportunity.idStatus as idStatus, opportunity.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM opportunity LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=opportunity.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Opportunity' and WHERE (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idResource='4') ) and (opportunity.idProject not in (0) or opportunity.idProject is null or (opportunity.idUser='4') ) and opportunity.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Issue','_', as id, issue.idProject as idProject, cast('Issue' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, issue.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, issue.idle as idle, issue.done as done, issue.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, issue.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, issue.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, issue.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, issue.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, issue.idIssueType as idType, issue.idStatus as idStatus, issue.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM issue LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=issue.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Issue' and WHERE (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idResource='4') ) and (issue.idProject not in (0) or issue.idProject is null or (issue.idUser='4') ) and issue.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Question','_', as id, question.idProject as idProject, cast('Question' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, question.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, question.idle as idle, question.done as done, question.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, question.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, question.initialDueDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, question.actualDueDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, question.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, question.idQuestionType as idType, question.idStatus as idStatus, question.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM question LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=question.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Question' and WHERE (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idResource='4') ) and (question.idProject not in (0) or question.idProject is null or (question.idUser='4') ) and question.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Risk','_', as id, risk.idProject as idProject, cast('Risk' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, risk.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, risk.idle as idle, risk.done as done, risk.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, risk.handledDate as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, risk.initialEndDate as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, risk.actualEndDate as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, risk.doneDate as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, null as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, null as plannedWork, null as leftWork, null as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, risk.idRiskType as idType, risk.idStatus as idStatus, risk.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM risk LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=risk.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Risk' and WHERE (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idResource='4') ) and (risk.idProject not in (0) or risk.idProject is null or (risk.idUser='4') ) and risk.idProject not in (0)
SELECT coalesce(cast( ( AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci,concat('Ticket','_', as id, ticket.idProject as idProject, cast('Ticket' AS CHAR) COLLATE utf8_general_ci as refType, as refId, as refName, null as topId, 'Project' as topRefType, ticket.idProject as topRefId,
null as priority, 1 as elementary, ticket.idle as idle, ticket.done as done, ticket.cancelled as cancelled, 8 as idPlanningMode, null as idBill,
null as initialStartDate, null as validatedStartDate, 0 as validatedStartFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedStartDate, 0 as plannedStartFraction, ticket.handledDateTime as realStartDate,
null as initialEndDate, ticket.initialDueDateTime as validatedEndDate, 1 as validatedEndFraction, ticket.actualDueDateTime as plannedEndDate, 1 as plannedEndFraction, ticket.doneDateTime as realEndDate, null as latestStartDate, null as latestEndDate,
null as initialDuration, 1 as validatedDuration, null as plannedDuration, null as realDuration,
null as initialWork, we.plannedWork as validatedWork, null as assignedWork, we.leftWork+we.realWork as plannedWork, we.leftWork as leftWork, we.realWork as realWork,
null as validatedCost, null as assignedCost, null as plannedCost, null as leftCost, null as realCost,
null as progress, null as expectedProgress, coalesce(pex.wbs,concat(pe.wbs,'._#', as wbs, coalesce(pex.wbsSortable,concat(pe.wbsSortable,'._#', as wbsSortable, null as isOnCriticalPath, null as notPlannedWork, null as needReplan, ticket.idTicketType as idType, ticket.idStatus as idStatus, ticket.idResource as idResource, 1 as isGlobal
FROM ticket LEFT JOIN planningelement AS pe ON pe.refType='Project' and pe.refId=ticket.idProject LEFT JOIN planningelementextension as pex ON pex.refType='Ticket' and
LEFT JOIN workelement AS we ON we.refType='Ticket' AND WHERE (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idResource='4') ) and (ticket.idProject not in (0) or ticket.idProject is null or (ticket.idUser='4') ) and ticket.idProject not in (0)) as planningelement
WHERE (1=1) and planningelement.idProject in (0, 85) and planningelement.idProject not in (0, 15)
ORDER BY planningelement.wbsSortable
2018-12-04 14:31:43.981 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] Strack trace :
2018-12-04 14:31:43.981 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #0 Sql->query called at [/var/www/html/tool/jsonPlanning.php:283]
2018-12-04 14:31:43.981 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #1 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningList.php:523]
2018-12-04 14:31:43.981 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.3.1] #2 include called at [/var/www/html/view/globalPlanningMain.php:57]

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04 Dec 2018 14:38 #8 by LG_Teleflow
Replied by LG_Teleflow on topic Global project planning
Here is the console log from Mozilla with F12:
=> 385ms | page='objectMain.php' | destination='centerDiv' | directAccess='810' (server:89ms, client:296ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 177ms | page='objectStream.php' | destination='detailRightDiv' | formName=listForm' (server:160ms, client:17ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 386ms | page='objectDetail.php' | destination='detailDiv' | formName=listForm' (server:189ms, client:197ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 25ms | page='../view/shortcut.php' | destination='projectLinkDiv' (server:20ms, client:5ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 315ms | page='globalPlanningMain.php' | destination='centerDiv' (server:97ms, client:218ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 200ms | page='admin.php' | destination='centerDiv' (server:39ms, client:161ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 355ms | page='objectMain.php' | destination='centerDiv' (server:47ms, client:308ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 532ms | page='../view/shortcut.php' | destination='projectLinkDiv' (server:512ms, client:20ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 1026ms | page='admin.php' | destination='centerDiv' (server:888ms, client:138ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 295ms | page='globalPlanningMain.php' | destination='centerDiv' (server:81ms, client:214ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 27ms | page='../view/shortcut.php' | destination='projectLinkDiv' (server:24ms, client:3ms) projeqtor.js:81:3
=> 254ms | page='globalPlanningList.php' | destination='listDiv' | formName=listForm' (server:87ms, client:167ms) projeqtor.js:81:3

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04 Dec 2018 14:40 #9 by LG_Teleflow
Replied by LG_Teleflow on topic Global project planning
I also cleaned cache and scan for error inside administrator console...

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04 Dec 2018 14:52 #10 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Global project planning
Strange, it seems your db is in utf8 and some columns are in latin1...
What db / version are you using ?
Can you show desc for table planningelement ?

As a workaroud, try and change model/SQL.php, add 1 line after line 432 , like this
public static function getDbCollation() {
return "latin1_general_ci";

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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04 Dec 2018 15:20 #11 by LG_Teleflow
Replied by LG_Teleflow on topic Global project planning
Thanks Babynus,

I don't know if those information are requested ones?

Serveur de base de données

Serveur : Localhost via UNIX socket
Type de serveur : MySQL
Version du serveur : 5.7.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 - (Ubuntu)
Version du protocole : 10
Utilisateur : root@localhost
Jeu de caractères du serveur : UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

Serveur web

Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Version du client de base de données : libmysql - mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: b5c5906d452ec590732a93b051f3827e02749b83 $
Extension PHP : mysqli Documentation
Version de PHP : 7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1

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04 Dec 2018 16:19 #12 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Global project planning
did you try the proposed workaround ?

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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