I'm using Projeqtor 7.2.3 on linux with MySQL database.
When i'm connected to projeqtor using Admin account i can see provider tenders.
When i'm connected using team leader or supervisor account provider tenders screen il always empty. I can create a provider tender, but i never can see it in the screen.
I searched in log and i found this error :
2018-12-06 11:20:58.261 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'admin'
2018-12-06 11:25:30.515 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'admin'
2018-12-06 11:25:34.534 ===== TRACE ===== NEW CONNECTED USER 'u0561688'
2018-12-06 11:25:48.159 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.2.3] Exception-[42S22] SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'tender.plannedAmount' in 'field list'
2018-12-06 11:25:48.159 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.2.3] For query : select tender.id as id, T1.name as nameProject, T2.name as nameTenderType, tender.name as name, convert(concat(COALESCE(T3.sortOrder,''),'#split#',T3.name,'#split#',COALESCE(T3.color,'')) using utf8) as colorNameTenderStatus, tender.evaluationValue as evaluationValue, tender.plannedAmount as plannedAmount, convert(concat(COALESCE(T4.sortOrder,''),'#split#',T4.name,'#split#',COALESCE(T4.color,'')) using utf8) as colorNameStatus, tender.idle as idle, tender.totalUntaxedAmount as totalUntaxedAmount,tender.idProject as idproject from tender left join project as T1 on tender.idProject = T1.id left join type as T2 on tender.idTenderType = T2.id left join tenderstatus as T3 on tender.idTenderStatus = T3.id left join status as T4 on tender.idStatus = T4.id where tender.idle=0 and ( (tender.idProject not in (0) or tender.idProject is null ) and (tender.idProject not in (0) or tender.idProject is null or (tender.idResource='16') ) and (tender.idProject not in (0) or tender.idProject is null or (tender.idUser='16') ) ) order by tender.id desc
2018-12-06 11:25:48.160 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.2.3] Strack trace :
2018-12-06 11:25:48.160 ***** ERROR ***** [V7.2.3] #0 Sql->query called at [/produits/www/projeqtor/tool/jsonQuery.php:567]
2018-12-06 11:26:10.957 ===== TRACE ===== DISCONNECTED USER 'u0561688'
Could you help me to understand why i cannont see provider tenders when i'm using standard user account.
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