When you are on a metting page, in the Progress Tab, you can click on a button for you or you're project leader on an assigned people to directly access to the timesheet forv this assigment. The tooltip on the button is "go to timesheet for this assigment". It would be nice to be directly on the good week. Actually you get the timesheet for the good assigment but only in the current week. And if you've ommited to set your assigmnent time you then have to change the week manually.
I don't understand what you expect at the "good week".
This feature intends to direct the user to the timesheet so that he can enter work, expecting he enters work for the currend day, so positionning to current week seem legitimate.
We cannot imagine what could be the "good week" except the current week...
EDIT : re-reading the subject, I now get what you expect : as we are on a meeting, we should redirect to the week cntaining the date of the meeting...
We did not think of this as this feature in inherited on Mettings from feature developped for activities...
We'll have a look.
Another idea could be to directly validate your time from the meeting page. A thing like adding a button "validate my assigned timefor this meeting".
You mean "validate my planned time for the meeting" ?
Very dangerous in my opinion as this will sure lead to "more than 1 day per day work".
It's a good point to enter the work in the Timesheet screen, to manualy control inputs.
I think it's not always a good think to ease some points for some too lazy users, in particulat dealing woth real work input.