I don't undesctand the request.
Today, a work day is not 24h, it is a work day, whatever the duration.
If you count in hours, durationof the day in hours is defined in global parameters (default is 8 hours per day)
In my sample join, you can see days cut in 3 parts, with a part = 8h, and then 3 parts for a day = 24h
To explain more my idea, I could say that inside the parameter window, I will be able to choise for a day if I want 2 or 3 parts, and for every part, the time duration.
For sample, a day cut in 2 parts = 2 x 12h in max
For a day cut in 3 parts = 3 x 8h max
And at the end, the planning must be able to start the tasks inside the right part of the day !
This will offering the possibility to manage workers with a calendar in 2 or 3 teams per day !
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