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Add mass UserPassword reset

21 Jan 2012 14:06 #1 by ThierrC49
Hello Babynus,

It could be great to have mass userpassword reset to setup the software.

I have 40 users to create , I have used the import function but now I need to reset each P/W idividualy :(. It could be a separate tool or admin function

Have fun

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21 Jan 2012 19:19 #2 by babynus
Yes, it could be an evolution.
It is registered, but with low priority.

To help you, if you have direct access to the database you can :
- reset password for one user
- fetch the encoded password value for this user
- copy this value as password for other users in the table

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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31 Jan 2012 21:27 #3 by ThierrC49

I have done the quit same way but by impot / export function

Create 1 user
Reset P/W
Export user list (only 1 user + admin)
Add user with field P/W copied from first user created
import all new user

Avantage : I can reset all user P/W in same time if need by reusing the previous import file :)


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31 Jan 2012 21:46 #4 by babynus
Your process is good.
You can also clear all data in you file except "id" and "password".
This way you will only reset paswword, and not impact any change you can have done through the application.


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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06 Feb 2012 09:42 #5 by climb4fun
Good hint - may be something for tips and tricks.

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