Is it possible one day to be able to apply a restriction on the visibility of directories per project in the tree structure? each project is different and requires specific and advanced document management. Currently, the list of document directories is well filtered for the project, on the other hand the tree structure always displays all the folders. This would notably avoid seeing empty and useless folders in certain projects and adapting a specific documentary organization to each type of project.
In my organization, this is the need that comes up from many projector testers.
It is already the case.
If you dedicate a directory to a given project, users not allocated to this project won't see the directory.
Exemple :
I have a structure with directory Product (with sub-directories) that is not linked to a product
and directory Project (with sub-directories) that is linked to a given project "Project two" (sub-directories inherit the project)
If user "Manager" that is not allocated to "Project two" connects, he does not see directory "Project"
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