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Show resource orkload during assignation

31 Jan 2012 21:34 #1 by ThierrC49

When I whant to assign a task to resource I need to check his availlability (in term of load) but to to that I need to go to report and see planned load per resource and come back to assignation, is not easy.

A good improvement could be showing the avaibility of resources for the planned periode during affectation process, this could be an average of load for this perriode.

I'm not sure I'm clear :/


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31 Jan 2012 21:55 #2 by babynus
Good idea.
Request is registered as ticket #545.

Just to be clear, what do you exped as "the planned period" ?

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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02 Feb 2012 22:05 #3 by ThierrC49
Hello Babynus,

By planned periode I expect that an activity in plan for a periode (start date and end date) then the resource availlability must be calculated for this periode, it could be an average of availability eg :

Activity1 W4 to W7 effort = 40h (W4 = 10, W5 = 10, W6 = 10 and W7 = 10)
Activity2 W6 to W8 effort = 40h
Resource1 already affected to Activity 1 (capacity = 0.9)

During the affectation process the Resource1 will display is availlablility at this calculated value :

Sum [activity afected to resource1 in Weeks of Activity2] 10 + 10 + 0
Capacity *
= 0.9*
= 15%
Sum [Availlable hours per week for Resource1 in weeks of activity2] 40 + 40 + 40

then the Resource1 is loaded at 15%, then the Activity2 could pass (CQFD :))

I think this calculation is not easy because you could take account the availlability for each week including holiday calandar. Instead of display the load in % you could show the number of availlable hours (85%*3*40*0.9) = 91.8h open hours for activity2.

Have fun to implement this :P


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03 Feb 2012 14:43 #4 by babynus
Wahooo !

Sure I will notimplement this on next version. :|
Possibly not even on the version after :(
No sure I will ever impleent this :P

Workaround : go to the reports / check availability, print this report, then have fun with affectations !

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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03 Feb 2012 22:11 #5 by ThierrC49
bouuuu :(

I imagine the work to do this and understand why you don't whant to implement this, but it could be nice feature that I never seen before in planning tool.

Today I'm using a excel sheet with this feature but without import function with MSProject :( then I need to synchronise manualy both file (is not easy for 40 projects in parrallele with 12 projects managers).

Please keep in your mind this feature, perhapse during summer hollyday you will find time and motivation to implement this :P.

Any way many thanks for this good tool, I never seen other with this maturity and easy configurable :D.


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