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ProjeQtOr free project management software - Exclude some resources of a pool for a given activity - ProjeQtOr

Exclude some resources of a pool for a given activity

04 Dec 2023 10:13 #1 by brasal

At present time, when I assign a pool to an activity, and ask for a unique resource, projector chooses one resource in the pool when calculating the planning, and it is possible to make it definitive in the activity assignment view. It would be very usefull in the same way for a given activity to exclude some resources of the pool. This is actually to take into account resources skills and prevent some resources to be assigned activities for which they are not eligible. Though, I want to use the biggest pool of resources as possible to let projeqtor compute good schedules. It is worse to define several pools because one resource cannot belong to several pools.
Without this feature, I am obliged to force a non optimal resource assignment and exclude the activity from the benefits of pool use.

A better solution but which would be a bigger change, would be to be able to define skills and level of skills for resources, and skills requirements for activities.

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04 Dec 2023 11:46 #2 by babynus

 exclude some resources of the pool

May be interesting, but very specific, and very very complex to implement.

A better solution but which would be a bigger change, would be to be able to define skills and level of skills for resources, and skills requirements for activities.

Do you mean skill management ?

with skill of resources ?

with search by skill and availability ?

with skill for acttivity ?

with search for allocation from skills ?


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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04 Dec 2023 15:34 - 04 Dec 2023 15:34 #3 by brasal
Thanks, I did not activate this module. This is very helpfull. Does the schedule engine take into account this information when choosing resources from a pool?
Last edit: 04 Dec 2023 15:34 by brasal.

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04 Dec 2023 16:17 #4 by babynus

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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04 Dec 2023 16:37 #5 by brasal
Is there a chance it could integrate the roadmap for assignement of pools, teams or organizations?

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09 Dec 2023 16:57 #6 by babynus
No sure, possibly not unless it is sponsored... and completely specified.

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