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Languages in their original translation

17 May 2013 11:49 #1 by LEVA

I think that Project'Or RIA has a great avantage with translation, but I would like to point one think that should not be :

When you select a language, the language selection menu also translate language names.

I don't speak russian :s

I think that language should stay in their nativ translations, otherwise a newcomer can be lost and unable to change the language.

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17 May 2013 12:22 #2 by babynus

I think that language should stay in their nativ translations

You're right, I'll think about it for next version.

a newcomer can be lost and unable to change the language.

Luckily, unless he saves, he will retrieve previous parameter on new connection :)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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17 May 2013 16:40 #3 by bel

Luckily, unless he saves, he will retrieve previous parameter on new connection

But in the Demo for example, it's a problem.
For the Demo, I had to think that English is the first language in the list to be able to revert it from Russian or Chinese to English, I don't remember.

In Demo, Is it possible to create for example an English user profile without possibility to change AND save the language ?


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20 May 2013 08:39 #4 by LEVA

In Demo, Is it possible to create for example an English user profile without possibility to change AND save the language ?

I think Babynus can do whatever he wants with PhP ^^ Perhaps he only lacks time ! :p

Do you think something like :
French - Français
German - Deutsch
And so on with this patern Translated - Not translated

would be alright ? It suits everyone needs

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20 May 2013 17:02 #5 by babynus

In Demo, Is it possible to create for example an English user profile without possibility to change AND save the language ?
I think Babynus can do whatever he wants with PhP ^^ Perhaps he only lacks time !

Not only it is possible, but it used to be operational : just a parameter that fell off once. I'll reapply it.

Do you think something like :
French - Français
German - Deutsch
And so on with this patern Translated - Not translated

Great idea :woohoo:
It is not what I was thinking about : it was just keeping eack language in its own language.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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22 May 2013 07:29 #6 by climb4fun
Hi all,

I join the idea of LEVA. Great Idea!


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