As a user with no experience of projeqtor I suffered a lot to become familiar with the many features found.
Compared to other software I've used in the past, with projeqtor there has been a greater suffering caused by the fact that there is no contextual search for the menu items.
ln addition, the presence of a feature of this type also greatly facilitates the adoption of the instrument when it is proposed to a group of people and for example during a presentation allows to significantly reduce the perception of complexity: "each menu item is identified in a few seconds even if we do not remember his exact position in the tree menu. "
for my pov, it is more or less contextual help. Example: if you are in Activities and pressing F1, then manual for Activities will be displayed.
What you will not find is a quick tool tip bubble for every element. I think, this is not needed, because most fields self explanatory, and additionally they could be used in the way you will define your process.
I worked with compiere and adempiere and when you needs to use a functionality and don't remember in which part of the program is located you can try to find inserting the name in a search box.
This technique is called "interface elements on demand" and is a very good support for adoption of new software.
In this moment I'm evaluating projeqtor as a PPM tool for my company and I'm working searching the functionality doing many click that I'm sure will be not necessary with "interface elements on demand".
You can find a demo of adempiere by searching on the web.
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