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forum within Projeqtor

17 Jun 2016 18:57 #1 by bahba
forum within Projeqtor was created by bahba
I use ProjeQtor for 1 year and really is a very good tool.

One missed thing for this tool is creating a forum within ProjeQtor.

Why we cannot have forum by project or forum in the menu bar ?

Thanks for your reply.

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21 Jun 2016 16:10 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic forum within Projeqtor
Forum is not commonly used in Project Management.

What do you expect about Forum in ProjeQtOr ?
There are already requests for Wiki in ProjeQtOr and Chat in ProjeQtOr, which are commonly used tools to share data but I cannot image what a forum would help for.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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02 Jul 2016 20:53 - 03 Jul 2016 11:50 #3 by ambroise1er
Replied by ambroise1er on topic forum within Projeqtor
Hello Babynus,

The integration of a discussion forum allow many advantages.
Here are the main : centralize, keep the history of the different contributions during the different phases of the project.

Such a tool solves the classic problems of the mailing tool (outlook, ...) to retrieve the information
So it's a really important tool
Exactly as the forum is useful for "projeqtor"

We must even consider exporting to PDF, Excel, etc. history of exchanges based on criteria: function, component, project, product, dates, ...
Such export feature to provide valuable input elements for meetings.

Some examples of use case :

Based on a project or subject, a discussion forum, allows a group:

Before the beginning of Project :
- To Centralize ideas on a project even before the project starts

Preliminary stages (draft, pre-framing) :
- Preliminary study, Macro-planning, scoping Note: to centralize and keep the history of trading on the choice of solutions before the start decision. Which will facilitate a review of the framing if necessary.
- Organisation of the project: Project Manager's Choice, the team, the profiles, the skills matrix, etc.
Note: it missing in the tool "Projeqtor" the dedicated functions for these preliminary steps

During the project
- For a workgroup: centralization and trace reflections
- To design activities: centralize creative ideas and exchanges with his client
- For Managing tickets for a support group: to centralize and keep the history of the trade on a ticket
- Crisis management: centralizes the proposed resolutions
- To keep the history of exchanges



Hello Babynus,
L'intégration d'un forum de discussion apporte de très nombreux avantages.
Voici les principaux : Centraliser, conserver l'historique des différentes contributions au cours des différentes phases du projet.

Un tel outil résout les problèmes classiques de la messagerie (Outlook, ...) pour retrouver les informations.
C'est donc un outil vraiment essentiel.
Exactement, tel que le forum est utile pour l'évolution de "Projeqtor"

En terme de fonctionnalités supplémentaires :
Il faut même envisager un export en pdf, Excel, etc. de l'historique des échanges selon des critères : fonction, composant, projet, produit, dates, ...
Une telle fonction d'export permet d'apporter de précieux éléments en entrée pour les réunions.

Ci-dessous. Quelques cas de figures type :

Un forum de discussion, basé sur un projet ou un sujet, permet à un groupe :

En phase Avant projet :
- Etape de pré-cadrage : de centraliser des idées sur un projet dès avant la décision de lancement du projet

Cadrage du projet :
- Etude préalable, Macro-planning, Note de cadrage : de centraliser et historiser les échanges sur les choix des solutions avant la décision du démarrage. Ce qui permettra de faciliter une révision du cadrage si besoin.
- Organisation du projet : Choix du chef de projet, Définition de l'équipe, des profils, de la matrice de compétences, etc.

Pendant le projet :
- pour un groupe de travail : de centraliser et tracer les réflexions
- pour les activités de conception : de centraliser les idées créatives et les échanges avec son client
- pour la gestion des tickets pour un groupe de support : de centraliser et garder l'historique des échanges sur un ticket
- en gestion de crise : de centraliser les propositions de résolutions
- de garder l'historique des échanges

PS : Il manque dans l'outil "Projeqtor" des fonctions dédiées pour les phases d'Avant-projet et de Cadrage avant le démarrage effectif.
Et la boucle serait bouclée.

Bien cordialement
Last edit: 03 Jul 2016 11:50 by ambroise1er.

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03 Jul 2016 16:40 #4 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic forum within Projeqtor
I still don't see the interest for a forum in ProjeQtOr.
Moreover if there is not integration with other items : it would be easy to settle an existing and ready to use forum (phpBB for instance does it quite good)

Before the beginning of Project :
- To Centralize ideas on a project even before the project starts

Some brainstorming tool would be better than a forum.

Preliminary stages (draft, pre-framing) :
- Preliminary study, Macro-planning, scoping Note: to centralize and keep the history of trading on the choice of solutions before the start decision. Which will facilitate a review of the framing if necessary.
- Organisation of the project: Project Manager's Choice, the team, the profiles, the skills matrix, etc.
Note: it missing in the tool "Projeqtor" the dedicated functions for these preliminary steps

You can summarize all of this in the Project and its notes... and possibily use other tools (documents, decisions)

During the project
- For a workgroup: centralization and trace reflections
- To design activities: centralize creative ideas and exchanges with his client
- For Managing tickets for a support group: to centralize and keep the history of the trade on a ticket
- Crisis management: centralizes the proposed resolutions
- To keep the history of exchanges

Most of these ideas can be covered managing notes on items.

centralize and keep the history of the trade on a ticket

Use notes, for sure

Crisis management: centralizes the proposed resolutions

Use problems and its notes

Really I cannot see the interest of an integrated forum to manage a project...
It is a good tool to register some data, but as long as you have ProjeQtOr, it would be easier to store directly in ProjeQtOr items...
Here the forum is used because it would be a mess to deal with 4000+ users, but as long as your team has defined members (and it should otherwise what you manage shouldn't bez called a project).
Or maybe I did not understand the way you expect to use it ...

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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04 Jul 2016 13:11 #5 by bahba
Replied by bahba on topic forum within Projeqtor
No it's an interesting thing to include forums within Projeqtor form manu reasons such mentionned below by ambroise1er.

So like the site include forum menu, we hope thas in the next versions of projeqtor include this functionnality.

To elimniate the discussion over outlook and using other external tools, it's important to have ONE tool archiving project information and discussions about this project

Don't miss that forums become classic in other project tool management like kanban project tools and others like redmine

Thanks for your reply

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06 Jul 2016 20:19 #6 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic forum within Projeqtor

Request recorded as Ticket #2180.

But it will not be included in next version :( , unless someone wish to sponsor it ;)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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