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Unable to debug SAML authentication error

06 Jul 2019 14:11 #1 by fathibn
Tried to setup SAML authentication against LemonLDAP::NG with no success. Does anyone have some screenshots especially what to enter in the X509 certificate path. I have copy-pasted the public key my SAML idp uses to sign responses but that doesn't seem to be the correct answer.

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08 Jul 2019 11:15 #2 by babynus

what to enter in the X509 certificate path. I have copy-pasted the public key my SAML idp uses to sign responses but that doesn't seem to be the correct answer.

It should.

Here is an example of some correct configuration

Note that in order to work, you have to define the SP on your IDP serveur, with XML description that you can get throught the button "get Metadata"

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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08 Jul 2019 13:17 #3 by fathibn
Hello @babynus,
I already filled the corresponding form like shown here after . Also, I copy-pasted the projeqtor metadata url in lemonldap (as just cliquing the button didn't gave the same result), which then pulled the corresponding data and filled its internals as shown here . But at login, projeqtor sometimes seems to redirect to itself like shown here instead of the saml idp url, and when it connects to the correct url, it returns a message like the following .
There is also another situation ( and the corresponding screenshot) that i could not reproduce now.

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08 Jul 2019 13:35 #4 by fathibn
Maybe this could help. In the idp server I have the following error message:
command sent is not an octet sequence in the native encoding (Latin-1).

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09 Jul 2019 14:10 - 09 Jul 2019 14:11 #5 by babynus
Just try and remove the comment on the certificate.
The comment line is valid when key is stored in a file, here we have a single line string, so there must be only the key, not the hole content of the file.

NB : if you get the Metadata of your IDP, you dshould get the correct value for the certificate.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 09 Jul 2019 14:11 by babynus.

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12 Nov 2019 17:34 #6 by Bob86
Hi Everybody!

I use also LemonLdap but when i configure saml configuration in Projeqtor i have an error when i watch a metadata

Invalid array settings: contact_not_enought_data

I have not error in lemoldap and i not find error in projeqtor but i don't know where is the log.

Sorry for my english i learn actually, i am begginner

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