Maybe it is already treated in another forum but I did not find it.
Sometimes workload activity permits to finish tasks before the planned date. Therefore, I cannot close the task and I received the message "Unable to close an element with left work"
For example, I finished a task using 77% of the planned workload. What is the best way to during the validation process permitting to increase the progress status from 77% up to 100%?
Just set the left work to zero.
It can be done on timesheet or on the activity.
You can also set specific access rigfht "can force close" to true.
This will automatically set left work to zero when closing.
But in my opinion setting left work to zero when closing the activity is too late.
You should set it to zero as soon as activity is done.
As I understand, if we choose "YES" for "Can force clse" in "Specific Right" it is possible to Close an activiy with remaining left work, the system will automaticaly set left work to 0.
I did the YES choice and mentioned, but when Closing I have got the message "Unable to close an element with left work".
So, it's a bit complicated indeed.
Forcing the closing of elements acts in cascade.
So it will close all the elements linked or dependent on the element (assignments, action, tickets, activities...) that you have selected but it will not act on the element itself.
This feature was designed more for projects than for activities.
For activities, since they are supposed to be managed daily, you will have to set the rest to do to 0 manually before being able to close it.
Sometime (i my case often all the time), activities aren't managed daily but from date to date.
So, beeing able to set reamining work to 0 automaticaly was usefull.
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