I haven't look at this item for a long time, but tried again today.
It seems that the latest version still have the same issue of not having the "dayOfWeek<x>" information available through the API.
I looked a bit on the code and found that those fields have an "hidden" attribute, that seems to be filtered out by the API interface.
Obviously I'm not sure of the root reason, but by removing, on a test database, this attribute I have indeed the visibility of those field.
I do not know the drawback of removing those attribute.
Could you please check that this is fully resolving the item without drawbacks?
I've just did the change on model/CalendarDefinition.php (Construct function), but it didn't change the final result.
It seems to me that the point is on the "jsonDumpObj" function (tool/jsonFunctions.php) where the filter is done on the hidden attribute
if (is_object($val)) {
if ($res!="") {
$res.=", ";
$res.=jsonDumpObj($val, true);
} else if (pq_substr($fld, 0, 1)=='_' or $obj->isAttributeSetToField($fld, 'hidden') or $obj->isAttributeSetToField($fld, 'noExport') or $fld=='apiKey' or $fld=='password' or $included and ($fld=='id' or $fld=='refType' or $fld=='refId' or $fld=='refName' or $fld=='handled' or $fld=='done' or $fld=='idle' or $fld=='cancelled')) {
// Nothing
} else {
I can't see the influence of the forceExport so I doubt that it is really change the behavior
But by filtering the hidden by the forceExport I can see all the dayOfWeek<X> items
} else if (pq_substr($fld, 0, 1)=='_' or ($obj->isAttributeSetToField($fld, 'forceExport')== false and $obj->isAttributeSetToField($fld, 'hidden')) or $obj->isAttributeSetToField($fld, 'noExport') or $fld=='apiKey' or $fld=='password' or $included and ($fld=='id' or $fld=='refType' or $fld=='refId' or $fld=='refName' or $fld=='handled' or $fld=='done' or $fld=='idle' or $fld=='cancelled')) {
But obviously I do not know the full effect of such change on the whole software.
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