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Same import --> different result

17 Dec 2022 00:47 - 19 Dec 2022 10:47 #1 by bourle

File Attachment:

File Name: export_Act....csv.xls
File Size:2 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: Activity_2....csv.xls
File Size:2 KB

Hi all,

Context : I need to import activity from SharePoint to ProjeQtOr.
I have an export Excel of SharePoint, and with macro I make a .csv ready to import in ProjeQtOr.

Error : 
Before my import, if the activity in projeqtor as "clos" (Check box date), after my import, the checkbox is unchecked (but the date stays correct). (In my file to import, "clos" is at "1")
If I import the same file again, the import work (no message like "Aucune modification à sauver") and the checkbox is check...
But in the "result" screen of import, I can see the "clos" column at "1" all the time.And I have the same problem with the checkbox "mettre en pause"

Control :
If I do an import with an CSV of ProjeQtOr (I import an export of the activity), it's not the same. When I try to import, I have the "normal" message : Aucune modification à sauver pour l'élément Activité

for the upload the attachements, I add ".xls", you need to delete it.

Thanks for your help !
Last edit: 19 Dec 2022 10:47 by bourle.

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20 Dec 2022 08:39 #2 by babynus

Before my import, if the activity in projeqtor as "clos" (Check box date), after my import, the checkbox is unchecked (but the date stays correct). (In my file to import, "clos" is at "1")

Import must respect workflows, so you cannot import directly "closed" items, as this will be checked from the status (unless you change your parametering in ticket types)


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20 Dec 2022 13:58 - 20 Dec 2022 14:02 #3 by bourle
Thx for your reply.

Yes, my change is in another status, like "en cours" or others. I don't have an error on import.
I use "import" but really, it's an "update" (with the same ID projeQtor).

I try to explain differently. This is my "import" file idea (only for explain the matter)
- activity 1 : ID = empty, status = Enregistré, mettre en pause = 0, date clos = empty, clos = 0
- activity 2 : ID = 101, status = En cours, mettre en pause = 1, date clos = empty, clos = 0
- activity 3 : ID = 102, status = Clos, mettre en pause = 0, date clos = 20/12/22, clos = 1

Activity 1.
there is no ProjeQtOr ID, it's an insert. no problem for import. next time I put the ID for update

Activity 2.
My activity already exists in PQO, it's an update and there aren't new things. I see the parameter, in import result, set to 1 for "mettre en pause".
- First thing : I don't have a message like "aucune mise à jour pour ..."
- Second thing : "Mettre en pause" at 1 become 0

activity 3.
Same like activity 2, with "clos". Same result, "clos" is already set to 1 or 0 in PQO, my import doesn't set him to 1. (il ne reste pas de charge sur une ressource)

But, if I import 2 time an activity already set to 1 for "paused", the first time is set to 0, the second time is set to 1. with the SAME file !
Last edit: 20 Dec 2022 14:02 by bourle.

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20 Dec 2022 14:36 #4 by babynus
All will depend on status configuration.
Status will set meta-stratus (checkbox) handled (in progress), done, closed, cancelled and paused.
And, if the activity set that these fields are readonly, they are set from status whatever you try and change on import.

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