I would like to ask whether it is possible to change/set the leave module manager? Somehow only one Administrator account (the one logged in when activitating the HR module) can view some of the leaves menus (e.g. Leaves Types, Employment contract end reason, leaves system habilitation) while other Administrator account cannot view those leaves menus. I tried to look for fields to set the admin for leaves system/HR module but no luck. It would be great to have advice on this. Thanks!
Maybe you can check on the resources screen (not the users one) if "is manager of leaves" is checked for the persons you want to manage the HR system. Having an Administrator Profil is not enough to see/manage the HR system.
Example :
Then, logged as an Administrator, you can modify what a manager of leaves can do on the "leaves system habilitation" screen (HR->Parameters->Leaves system habilitation)
I earlier have set both admin profile and manager of leave, and with "Administrator of leaves system" checked for all menus in "Leaves system habilitation" which user #1 cannot view some of the leaves menus (e.g. Leaves Types, Employment contract end reason, leaves system habilitation). User #3 is the user logged-in when activating the HR module while user #1 is the main admin user (first user created with ProjeQtOr).
Now, I additionally checked the checkbox of "Manager of employee's leaves" for all the menus in "Leaves system habilitation" which then user #1 can view the leaves menus when logged-in.
I would like to ask what is the difference between "Manager of employee's leaves" and "Manager of employee"? I do not want menus such as "Leaves system habilitation" to be available to non Admin profile employees even he/she has the rights to approve employee he/she manages. I noticed that if "Manager of employee's leaves" is not selected for a resource, the resource will not appear/ in "Leave manager" for setting of the employees he/she manages. Is there a setting to separate admin of the leaves system vs manager of employee leaves (only manage defined employee: employee to be managed can be edit as in "Leave Manager" menu such that does not limit to organisation/team only)?
"Leaves system habilitation" is restricted to Leave Admin (defined in global parameters)
The manager of leaves (for employees defined in the manager screen) should have acces to day to day screens (no parametering)
Leave admin can be a manager (or not).
Manager and Leave Admin must be checked as employees.
Thanks for your explanation! I can now successfully set desired Leave Admin user.
I am a bit unclear about the difference between "Manager of employee's leaves" and "Manager of employee", the definition of "Manager of employee's leaves" is pretty much observable - those in "Leave Manager" while the definition of "Manager of employee" is slightly unclear. Does it refers to manager of organisation or/and manager of team (regardless of whether the "is manager of leaves" checked or not?
To make it short
Manager of employee's leaves : is the administrator of the Leave System. Will define Leave Types, Contract Types, ...
Manager of Employees : is the manager for some resources, will just accept or reject leave periods.
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