the pool seems to work as a complete // entity who is taken into account capacity of team when you assign it but it works only in one way ... on the other hand when my 2 contributor are full during 2 month, the pool who normaly should agregate colaborator say : disponibilties is 300h ... its wrong .. i don't planned the pool (agree) but pool is compose by 2 peoples 100% full so disponibility of pool should say me 0% of disponibilities ...
i really don't understand.
I remeneder this trouble and this is why we are not able to work with pool.
Also in planning by ressources we are not able to know the ressources taken into account by the pool for making a task.
You are right. Pool does not take into consideration the planified work of its resources to set its own availability. To be honest, it will be quiet difficult to implement this calculation, nevertheless it could be considered with sponsoring.
Thanks to confirm our trouble.
The only good adventage of pool is for us to assign group of people in a task.
But according this point and the fact we are not able in details planning to know the contributor taken into account by pool we are not able to use it.
This is a point we must improve.
Availability reports show availability for pools taking into account work planned on the pool only, not the work planned on the members of the pool
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