I am trying to set a recurring activity of 2h per day in a project with "validated start date" set to the 08/01/24 and validated start date set to the 12/31/24. .
I created a recurring activity of 2h per day, following the instructions given
, but the activity created only last 1 day and has then only 2h of work assigned.
I then followed the instructions given in
this answer to my own question
: I created two "key date" milestones, one named "start" having a "planned due date" set to the 08/01/24 and another one named "end" having a "planned due date" set to the 12/31/24, and set these as predecessor and successor, respectively, of my activity, but this does not change anything.
Can anybody help with the correct way to create a recurring task lasting during the whole project, or at least between two milestones ?
recurring planning mode
adapts to the total duration of the project in any case. In my previous answer I told you to mark out the activity precisely so that it does not run along the project and is driven by the milestones.
but this does not change anything
That is to say? What does not change? Do you have a screenshot of your planning so we can see what is not working? Have you checked the types of your milestones? End-start for the first and end-end for the second. The dependencies being pulled from the milestones?
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