The server is pretty solid. I dont think it has anything to do with the server.
I think it has something to do with the way it check for permissions. It seems to take to much.
Im now sure what i could check and how i should go about things.
After further investigation it seems that it has something to do with the mysql server.
Im using a mysql cluster.
I made a backup and clone the projeqtor instance, and configured it to use mysql server installed on the same instance, and it loads the kanban in 1-2 seconds.
Could you help me out with some hints about what i should actually check in relation with what is exactly happening when accessing kanban ?
I thinking that maybe some queries take longer or something !
So it turned out that the main problem was the fact that the main cluster was in a different location and that was the main cause of the slowdown.
I changed the clusterSet so that the main cluster is in the same location as the projeqtor instantance, and now the initial loading of all the tickets takes around 5 seconds, and its acceptable for now.
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