Project name = project_a
Start date = 1 october 2012
End date = 31 october 2012
Project leader = user_pl_a
Project member = user_pm_a, user_pm_b
Project Quality member check = user_pq_a
Create new project project_a.
Create resource user_pl_a, profile project_leader, default function manager (or new one you want to create).
Create resources user_pm_a, user_pm_b, profile project_member
Create resource user_pq_a, with new profile you can create (of maybe supervisor will fit)
Affect all there resources to the project project_a.
Create activities and sub-activities (specifying parent activity), and assign the corresponding resource to the activity, with some assigned work.
You can also specify dependencies between tasks (prédecessors and seccessors). For instance you can define a start milstone, prior to all parent tasks, to define start of project.
Then go to planning screen and run planning, and adjust constraints and work to get what you want.