There are several ways to manage your activities with Project'Or RIA.
To follow up deliveries, you can use Version in Tickets.
You can easily see tickets on a version, have a summary of content of versions and move ticket from a version to another one.
You can also define an activity for a version and link a ticket to the activity.
You may have a look at Project'Or RIA Track database, using this way.
Unfortunately, there is no way to automatically remind you to move one ticket if you move another. What you can do is link "both" of then, but you have to think to look at linked items when you move a Ticket.
But when I read the way you use tickets, I guess you'd better use Activities.
Instead of having :
.Activity Dev : 10 days
.Activity Test : 5 days
.Ticket 1 : Dev function 1 : 4 days
.Ticket 2 : Test function 1 : 2 days
.Ticket 3 : Dev function 2 : 6 days
.Ticket 4 Test function 2 : 3 days
I would advise to use activities :
.Activity Version X.Y
....Activity Function 1
.......Activity Function 1 - Dev : 4 days
.......Activity Function 1 - Test : 2 days
....Activity Function 2
.......Activity Function 2 - Dev : 6 days
.......Activity Function 2 - Test : 2 days
.Activity Version X.Y+1
This way, if "Function 1" is replaned on Version X.Y+1, you just have to move Activity Function 1.
What will change for you, is that you'll have to assign work to each function : that is what I call plan an Poject
. You will then be able to run planning calculation with real resource availability and progress knowledge : just request the update of the left work on each activity.
I guess this way you'll have versions more stable, and will less need to move functions from one version to another
Good planning.