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ProjeQtOr free project management software - Reproduce the same event than on ticket's page - ProjeQtOr

Reproduce the same event than on ticket's page

29 Jan 2013 16:57 #1 by eB0Z
Hi Babynus,
I am looking for something.
I would reproduce the behaviour that is on Tickets' page (CF screenshot)

You fill automatically fields up with dates when we change the status or even when we click on the checkbox.

In fact, I would do the same for Document's page. I have added 2 fields (input text, readonly) and I would fill them up with the status changes.

Where can I find the function which is used for the tickets' page ?
Or how can I do that ?

Thank you.

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29 Jan 2013 19:57 #2 by babynus
Check the function getValidationScript($colName) in Ticket.php and in SqlElement.php...

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30 Jan 2013 15:00 #3 by eB0Z
Hi Babynus thank you for your reply,
I have tried with this code in SqlElement.php but it does not work.
 if ($colName=="idStatus") {
      $colScript .= '<script type="dojo/connect" event="onChange" >';
    // Ajout automatique de la date dans le champ internalValidation
      if(property_exists($this, 'internalValidation')) {
      	$colScript .= htmlGetJsTable('Status', 'setInternalValidation', 'tabInternalValidation');
      	$colScript .= '  var setValidationInternal=1;';
        $colScript .= '  var filterInternalValidation=dojo.filter(tabInternalValidation, function(item){return"idStatus").value;});';
        $colScript .= '  dojo.forEach(filterInternalValidation, function(item, i) {setValidationInternal=item.setInternalValidation;});';
      	$colScript .= '  	if(setValidationInternal==1){';
        $colScript .= '      	var curDate = new Date();';
        $colScript .= '     	dijit.byId("internalValidation").set("value", curDate);';
        $colScript .= '		}';      
      $colScript .= '  formChanged();';
      $colScript .= '</script>';
    } else if ($colName=="idle") {   

The thing is that I think it does not execute the javascript code I made.
If I write the command :
dijit.byId("internalValidation").set("value", curDate);
directly in the javascript's console in the browser, it changes the input's value. But not working with the $colScript...

Thank you.

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30 Jan 2013 22:43 #4 by babynus
1) Check the code that you return.
=> try a debugLog on $colScript

2) use web console to debug your javascript code

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