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Real work allocation wipes out my Project planning

08 Feb 2013 08:20 #1 by Pieter.Dielissen
I am just starting with this programme, bu I need some support.

I created a project with a few (long lasting) activities. In each activitie I can plan (in section progress) each activities. When I switch to planning, I have a nice overview of the planning of the project.
The moment I start to register the time (in 'real work allocation') I see that the planning of that activity is reduced to the times registered in the 'real work allocation'. So my total planning overview is gone.

How can I make a planning of a project that not changes when I fill-out the 'real work allocation'

Thanks for the reply

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08 Feb 2013 14:16 - 08 Feb 2013 14:41 #2 by babynus

How can I make a planning of a project that not changes when I fill-out the 'real work allocation'

You can't :evil:

Well sorry, for this provocative answer. :blush:
In fact you should not ... ;)

The answer to the question is :
Only use some static planning mode (fixed duration for instance).
If planning mode is ASAP, and no work is defined, real work is taken as default.

But Project'Or RIA is not designed this way.
Project'Or RIA is effort driven : planning is based on work.
So you should define some work on activities (assign some work for a resource).
Define priorities, dependencies between tasks...
Then run planning : you get best planning depending on your constraints and resource availability.
Then, when resource enter real work and re-estimates left work you can replan projet to get new target...

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 08 Feb 2013 14:41 by babynus.

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