Hi Babynus,
I would switch the writing mode of some colomns only in real time allocation page.
Sometimes, the week is half on a month and half on an other one. But the work done is for a month.(Depends the week)
When I submit the work, I would switch to readonly mode just days of the current month.
For example, I only would the red square fields in readonly mode and I would get the possibility to write in the other colomn when it is a different month.
I am working in ImputationLine.php l.700.
Thank you.
You should play with WorkPeriod.
It as actualy used as week, but all is planned to be abled to manage it as month.
But it will not be ver easy to implement.
Not only InputationLine.php is involved. Also WorkPeriod.php, saveImputation.php, and possibly other (would need further analysis).
Ok thank you.
I am going to try to manage it. I will check all these files and them see their behaviors.
I will let you know if I need more information. I will analyse more the code implementation for this functionality.
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