Hello Babynus,
I would update my database when I want.
So I would go through the sql files.
For that, I added a variable in parameters.php
parameters.php$forceToUpdate = false;//or true to force the update
Then I added a condition in projector.php
projector.phpif (Sql::getDbVersion()!=$version or $forceToUpdate) {
$prf=new Profile($user->idProfile);
if ($prf->profileCode!='ADM') {
include "../db/maintenance.php";
I also changed the version (text) in projector.php to be sure that it will not be the same as the version stored in the parameter's table (db) and added the SQL file in maintenance.php too.
My problem is that it does not go in the last sql files I added.
In fact, it does not execute the script.
To test I have created a sql file with a table creation inside, and after the update (forced), my table has not been created...
How can I do for that ?
Does it go through my sql file without executing the scripts ?
I hope I have been enough clear.
Thank you.