I created a table with 2 date fields (start date and end date) and I would like to see these two fields replaced a visual point of view by one to select a month but it is not in the database data. How to do that?
I created a new menu to insert some statistics. For the moment these statistics are monthly, but later they will be quarterly, annual or dates to dates. This is why I immediately creates a table with 2 date fields (start date and end date) and fields useful for managing my statistics. Following tools facilitating the design that you have already developed, I created an object in the model folder with the same fields in the database données.Il behaves like the object "project" and so when I click about where to create a new item, I end up with all the fields specified in the object and in this base.
This is where my problem comes because today I find myself with the start date and end date on the present me to create this new object, and I will wish for the moment he could not see these two date fields but rather a field just to choose a number between 1 and 12 that corresponds to a month and I would do the background processing to select the date at the beginning and end of the month. How to do that?
Just set the dates as hidden fields (or readonly) and set new field as scpecific ones : name starts with $_spe_ and definition is in drawSpecificItem().
You can see examples in some objects, for instance in Project or WorkElement.
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