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I installed Projectoria and created my first project ... now what?

29 Mar 2013 17:19 #1 by FEtchevarren
I just started using projectoria, and for what I saw, I think Im going to be a huge fan.

I read the .ppt manual, install the software and created my 1st project users and activities ... and there I get stucked :unsure:

How do I start things so the get rolling?

What I mean is: what is the difference between the dates: validated, requested, planned, assigned, real??

Im sure its a silly question, but If someone could help me with this (or point me on the right direction / example) it will be very usefull :cheer:

Thanks in advance!


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29 Mar 2013 17:48 #2 by babynus
Are you sure you read the .ppt user manual ? :evil:

Requested = wanted by client (wished)
Validated = agreed by all parts (committed)
Assigned (not for dates, just for work !) = defined in the assignments, defining requested (by project leader) work for resources (may be challenging validated work...)
Real = really done (start date = when stared, end date = when ended, real work = really done work)
Left (not for dates, just for work !) = work left to finish the work
Planned Work = Real Work + Left Work = Re-estimated work
Planned dates = calculated by planning => planning dispatches left work on resources depending on avalability and planning priorities (see planning for information on priorities)

Hope it's clear.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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29 Mar 2013 18:22 #3 by FEtchevarren
Thanks for your answer: maybe I read it, but I didn´t get it ...

What I was trying to figure out was how to use the tool.

Lets suppose I have two basic roles:
- Project Leader.
- Project Member.

I create a simple WBS consisting of three activities:
1.1 Initial Definitions.
1.1.1 Choose Hardware Platform.
1.1.2 Choose Software Platform.

If I use MS Project, I just create the tasks and assigned a responsible, start and finish date for each tasks (the duration is automatically calculated).

My question was not clear, when I said "how do I get things rolling?"

- Do I use the use the "requested date" fields?
- Who is going (and how) to update from "requested" to "validated".

Sorry for the silly questions, but Im starting on this.


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30 Mar 2013 17:59 - 30 Mar 2013 18:03 #4 by babynus

- Do I use the use the "requested date" fields?.

No, in the described case, you need to set validated dates

Who is going (and how) to update from "requested" to "validated".

You :whistle:

In the way you describe it, you will have to define planning mode as "fixed duration".
This way, you should obtain what you expect.

But it is not the best way (to my opinion) to use Project'Or RIA.
Project'Or RIA default way of working can be considered like MS-Project if you use MS-Project with "work driven" tasks.
This means that planning is based on Work, not on duration.
Let's say you have tasks A an B. What you can easily know (I guess) is : how much work is needed to execute each task. For instance A is 10 man*days, B is 5 man*days.
Now, what about duration of these tasks ? You may assume A is 10 days, B is 5 days.
I will not. My answer is : all dependes on assignment.
If you only have one resource working, then possibly it will fit your first guess :

If you have two resources, things may slightly change if you assign one task each :

And you can change all things if you split the work on each resource for both tasks :

Now, it's up to you to know who can work on each task, if several resources can work on each task, and so on. You will then get a real planning no only a beautifull Gannt with some bars on.
This is what I call Project Management.

Project'Or RIA will help you to get a real planning, not only a drawing of some bars on a Gantt. ;)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 30 Mar 2013 18:03 by babynus.
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02 Apr 2013 04:04 #5 by FEtchevarren
Thanks for all your help: I will start with the basics and evolve :)

Again, thanks for the help!


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