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Problem with Sent Emails

10 Apr 2013 11:36 #1 by safouen
Hello ,

I have a problem when i want to send an email of invitation , i have a message of error " Contact your Admin"

Can samebody help me please :))))

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10 Apr 2013 19:34 #2 by babynus
You must have detailed error in the log file.
If message does not help you to fix issue, please report it here.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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10 Apr 2013 19:56 #3 by safouen
Here is The problem in attachment

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10 Apr 2013 20:43 #4 by babynus
When you have such a message "contact your administrator", it means you have some error reported in the log file. Please report error message here.

For information, this "not very explicit" message is "normal". It is a security way to hide information to some hacked that would try to discover ways to hack system from error messages.
If your environment is "secure" (local network for instance) or just to try for a short period, you can set debugLevel to 3 (debug). In this mode, the error message is directly displayed on screen...

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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10 Apr 2013 22:52 #5 by safouen
So what i can i do ?

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10 Apr 2013 23:58 #6 by babynus
Get the log file.
By default it is in /files/logs/projetor_yyyymmdd.log
Search for an error.
Post it here.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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