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Document management - import tree structure

08 Oct 2013 10:04 #1 by sam
Would it be possible to import a tree structure (default structure) without existing documents? like a template?
Also, would it be possible to have a copy mecanism for a tree structure?

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08 Oct 2013 13:37 #2 by babynus
None of these requests are planned.

When you write "structure", do you mean Directory stucture or also the content ?

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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08 Oct 2013 14:06 #3 by sam
Directory structure.

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09 Oct 2013 16:20 #4 by babynus
Ticket #1196 recorded

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09 Oct 2013 16:38 #5 by sam
what is the process when a proposed evolution is accepted and tracked with a ticket?
thanks in advance.

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09 Oct 2013 17:02 #6 by babynus
If is then planned in a version, depending on priority, work, improvement to the tool, ...

If you wish to have it speed up, you can sponsor it.
Have a look at "Services" > "Evolutions"

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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