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ProjeQtOr free project management software - How can import into projeqtor task dependencies created with ms-project or projectLibre? - ProjeQtOr

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How can import into projeqtor task dependencies created with ms-project or projectLibre?

04 Apr 2014 19:06 #1 by Fabiano
I would like import into projectqtor one complex project that I have created with projectLibre and saved into ms-project XML format.

The project conatins about 1 thousand of row and i don't want re-insert task into projeqtor.

The problem is that i can't find method to import task dependencies.

please, could you help me?

thanks and regards

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05 Apr 2014 15:27 #2 by babynus

There is no functionality to import from XML.
All you can do is transform your XML into csv to have it import through existing import facility.

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05 Apr 2014 16:17 #3 by Fabiano
where I have to write task dependecies?
In which CSV file?


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06 Apr 2014 19:01 #4 by babynus
You cannot import dependencies

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