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How to modify project expenses ?

23 Dec 2015 15:08 #1 by SDE

I created a new project with some tasks.
Now I would like to modify the validated expenses of the project but I don't find how can I do.
Could you help me, please ?

Just to be sure :
It is now possible to define the staff costs for each activity but not the validated cost of each activity. Is it ok ?

Thanks in advance

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23 Dec 2015 18:58 #2 by babynus
In ProjeQtOr, you can define Expenses in Financial menu : project expenses or individual expenses (when liked to a resource)

For "expense" of resource work, in ProjeQtOr it is called Cost.
So there is a difference between "expense" and "cost" (you'll see 2 lines on project summary).

You can define the validate "cost" for each activity, but no validated "expense" for each activity, as expenses are not linked to activity.
You can define validate cost and expense at project level.
Pay attention that validated data may be consolidated from tasks (elementary activity) to project, or not, depending on global parameter "consolidate validated work & cost"

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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24 Dec 2015 16:13 #3 by test31

Same question regarding project expenses : I indicated a value for project validated expenses on one project, but now field is grey and can't be modified any longer.
How can I modify it? Why is field blocked? (any functionality behind)?

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24 Dec 2015 16:42 #4 by babynus
If "validated" cost (or work) is greyed, it means it is consolidated from sub-tasks.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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24 Dec 2015 17:03 #5 by test31
Thanks for answer, specially today!
My question is not regarding cost (that I understood are consolidated from activities behind. I am speaking of project expenses that I understand are managed at project level. My project has no sub-project, so no consolidation possible.
So why is expenses greyed (I was able to give a value and then it turned grey).
Thanks again.

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24 Dec 2015 18:45 #6 by test31
I don't succed to reproduce this case on another project.
Don't understand how I got this project in that state??
Could you tell me in which table are those validated expenses stored?
Thanks again.

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