You guys can work on UI/UX more, it's 2020 now the UI looks like the 90s
I am using Projeqtor for the past 2years lots of features are there some minor bugs is there like. File attachment and all.
Design of 90s' like is part of the design : target rather on efficiency rather than beauty.
There was nothing as efficient as Old Heavy Client-Server interfaces, where you could type quickly and get / change information without dozens of clics.
But you're right, user interface is a bit old fashion, mostly compared to competitors.
Keep in mind that you get what you pay for
on that point, projeqtor gives a lot
Click/change looks and UX is fine I am mainly referring to the UI and the feel of the Icons and buttons shades, tables, the overall feature set is very good but for the beginners, it's quite difficult getting used to it some of my juniors and some of my seriors had some hard time as they are not much tech person.
those are very popular designs for 2020 I already saw you guys are working on a new Version 9 if you can add those UI elements that would be my suggestion.
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