i facing a strange issue.
since today (no change in ProjeQtOr's configuration), setting activity to first staus "in progress" doesn't set real start date.
I try to create new activity, to change status to "assigned" and come back to "in progress", saving several time, nothing work.
So, i close firefox and restart it and now it works.
I get this starnge issue on several firefox instance (i use several ones to test configuration for several profiles).
Possible explanation :
when changing PROGRESS in FIXED DURATION MODE, it set to status to the first "in progress" status, but don't set the real start date.
After that, even if i change status to "assigned" and set it another time to "in progress" (even with PROGRESS set to 0), it doesn't change anymore.
I need to restart ProjeQtOr screen by logging out.
when changing PROGRESS in FIXED DURATION MODE, it set to status to the first "in progress" status, but don't set the real start date
You mean you have Fix Duration Activity, manual progress enabled, you enter Progress > 0% and it changes the status ?
I don't get this behaviour, and don't remember about automation that sets the status from progress.
Yes, this is the normal behaviour and requested as this when we sponsoring the manual progress.
It works fine but "in progress" date is not set and real start date is not set anymore.
I make some new tests and get an error with no message (just red popup), nothing in log (???) and i lost 8 on 9 activities...
I investigate in the database...
Problem found, nothing from ProjeQtOr, forget this reply !
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