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ProjeQtOr free project management software - long response time of the app - ProjeQtOr

long response time of the app

17 Jan 2025 14:31 #1 by ykhaznawi

We try to use projeqtor but we find the application quite slow, either be for creating new projects, activities, entities, or moving them in the tree as subentities.
Why could this be ?
We do hesitate a lot to implement it in the team.

Many thanks in advance

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17 Jan 2025 14:39 #2 by Plucks
There are technical prerequisites for the server you're using for your instance of ProjeQtOr. Is your server meeting the expectations ?
On the links below, you can find at the bottom a description of our servers for hosting services, which work fine for all our customers, even with (very) large database and requests.

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17 Jan 2025 14:48 #3 by ykhaznawi
I thought it did with 4 cpu and 16 Go of ram...

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17 Jan 2025 14:50 #4 by ykhaznawi
I am also on posgresql, the database is not on the same server but it has 8 cpu and 32 Go of ram, and 50 go for storage

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17 Jan 2025 15:00 #5 by babynus

Check network between php server and postgresql server.
ProjeQtOr is sending many queries.
So small latency between the servers may lead to long response time.
For instance, be sure to avoid DNS resolution between servers, use IP rather that DNS name.
Possibly use DB on same machine (our config on hosting server)

NB : check Demo ( ), you'll see what is the expected response time on correctly configured server.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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17 Jan 2025 15:12 #6 by ykhaznawi
Thank you. It's way faster indeed on the demo one...

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